Calista Sourcing Club

Investment in everphone – the leading B2B phone-as-a-service pioneer

September 5, 2022

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Calista Direct Investors is delighted to announce the investment of its Sourcing Club Members in everphone, a leading B2B phone-as-a-service company, headquartered in Berlin, Germany.

Everphone, has successfully raised over €32 million in the extension of its Series C financing round led by Cadence Growth Capital (CGC) supported by Calista Direct Investors as a key partner.

Calista´s Sourcing Club Member Imocobel, a leading Belgium-based Family Office, together with co-investment from the Calista team, made a significant contribution to the financing round. The investment decision was motivated by strong growth prospects, proven management track-record and recent major customer wins domestically and internationally.  

The fresh equity will contribute to further boost the company's strong growth both in Germany and internationally.

About everphone

Founded in 2016, everphone is a pioneer in the Device as a Service (DaaS) business. The Berlin-based company offers B2B customers flexibility, reliability, and an easier way to manage smartphones, tablets, and laptops. Everphone was founded by former CHECK24 executive Jan Dzulko and employs over 250 people worldwide. Everphone customers include numerous start-ups and SMEs as well as global enterprises. Investors include Cadence Growth Capital, Deutsche Telekom, signals Venture Capital, Dr. Henrich Blase (founder of CHECK24) and Kevin Ryan (founder of MongoDB/BusinessInsider).

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